Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Home and working :)

Alright - I'm back home. Had an excellent trip except for the fact that I forgot my sleeping mat which isn't too good of an idea when you're camping :P Though sleeping was hard, the overall trip was awesome! Anyhow. Back on topic. I have resumed progress on GMNewton. Right now I am working on some macro scripts to make implementing this engine easier. It only takes 6 lines of code to have the 2d sim up and running!
Also, I'm considering releasing the source along with a future release of GMNewton. I have been hesitant to release the source because I don't know how to manage a project with open source, but then I realized I don't have to. I'll just keep working as I am and people can use the source if they want too.
In an upcoming release I plan to upgrade to the newest version of NewtonGameDynamics (2.x). I hear it runs much better. I don't know if this will be the case in GMNewton because of the GM bottleneck, but hopefully it will be faster.
That's all for now!

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